Nintendo 3DS Noticias

Nuevos detalles e imágenes de ‘Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley’

La desarrolladora de Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley quería asegurarse de que su nuevo título es algo completamente nuevo respecto a lo visto anteriormente. Esto se aplica a muchos aspectos del juego, incluyendo los diferentes animales o el innovador sistema de herramientas de The Lost Valley.

Si bien hace unas semanas explicamos cómo funcionaría el sistema de herramientas en el juego, ahora os traemos nueva información sobre los animales presentes en el juego. Según Natsume, compañía encargada del juego, cada animal será único en función de diferentes elementos presentes en el juego:

  • En función de las estaciones: Cada animal se reproducirá más rápidamente en función de la época del año. Debes tener en cuenta que las diferentes estaciones del año deben ser desbloqueados a medida que avanzas a través de la aventura.
  • En función de su temperamento: Según su temperamento, (calmado, terco, paciente), un animal será más o menos sensible a los efectos del estrés.
  • En función de su elegancia: Una mascota que odia estar sucia se reproducirá más rápidamente si vigilas regularmente su higiene. Obviamente, cuanto más te quiera el animal, más alimentos de buena calidad proporcionará.

También hay que tener en cuenta que los animales también pueden poseer habilidades que aumenten la calidad de los alimentos que producen, o sus cantidades. Incluso hay una habilidad que les permite aprender otras habilidades rápidamente y sin demasiado esfuerzo. Por último, Natsume ha compartido más información acerca de nuevos personajes presentes en el juego:

  • Sally es una de las vecinas más jóvenes del pueblo. Siempre trata de parecer fuerte y madura, pero a menudo le traiciona su juventud. Cree que puede hacer todo por sí misma, y se fustra cuando se enfrenta a un problema que no puede superar. Huérfana, fue criada por su abuela, y quiere conocer más acerca de sus orígenes, aunque oculta estos sentimientos. deberás ganarte su confianza si quieres que te cuente todos los secretos.

Sally is a youthful villager from Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley!  One of the youngest residents in the Lost Valley, Sally always tries to be strong and reliable, though sometimes she can’t resist acting her age."Don’t patronize me just because I’m a kid!"A mix of self-sufficient and precocious, Sally always tries to be strong, and thinks she can take care of herself without anybody’s help. However, still being a young girl, she sometimes gets frustrated when she can’t do something on her own. Raised by her grandmother, Sally was orphaned as an infant, and yearns to know more about where she truly comes from. However, she hides these yearnings deep inside her heart."I don’t need any help! I can do it myself!"You’ll need to earn Sally’s trust and friendship before she’ll open up to you, but when she does, you’ll discover a whole new side of her! Sally also has a ‘rivalry’ with a boy around her age named Jimmy – watch for his story coming in August!

  • Emily es muy enérgica y activa siempre muestra una gran sonrisa. Aunque le aterrorizan los insectos, le encanta ir de aventuras, y realmente no le teme a nada. Al igual que su madre Hanna, es muy sencilla, y le encanta trabajar como camarera, una tradición familiar. Su sueño es hacer feliz a la gente con su forma de cocinar. Emily también tiene mucho talento, y será una competidora a tener en cuenta en el concurso gastronómico. Sin embargo, no es tan buena como su madre, y por eso la ayudará a convertirse en una gran chef.

Emily is the first BACHELORETTE we’re revealing from Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley!"Welcome to Hanna’s Groceries! Home to all your shopping needs!"Daughter of the motherly Hanna, Emily is the unofficial cheerleader of the Lost Valley.  Always quick to smile, she is both very energetic and active. You’ll quickly make friends with her exploring around the Lost Valley."Eek! A bug!!! Get it off me! Get it off me!"Emily is terrified of insects, but otherwise is adventurous, and practically fearless.  Like her mother Hanna, she’s very straightforward, and loves working as a waitress, carrying on the family tradition. As she works at the restaurant, Emily is a force to be reckoned with in the Cooking Festival! You’d better give it everything you’ve got if you want to beat her cooking!"I want to make people feel GOOD by making food that is uplifting!"Emily’s dream is to cheer up people with her delicious food. She looks up to her mother very much, and is constantly trying her hardest to become a great chef like her. However, compared to Hanna, Emily feels her food is always second-best. Can you help Emily become a great chef, and make her dream come true?  Emily is a marriage candidate.

  • Hanna es la madre de Emily. Ama a sus clientes y a su hija y siempre es muy generosa, por lo que no debes dejar pasar la oportunidad de ir a su restaurante. Le encanta vivir en Lost Valley y no se moverá de allí por nada del mundo.

Hanna is this week’s featured villager in Meet the Residents of The Lost Valley! Hanna is the owner of the local café. With a mix of a feminine appearance and a tomboy personality she’s never outgrown, Hanna is a bit of a contradiction."Buy some of my food, will ya? I’m sure you’re gonna love it!"Though she can be a little careless with her words and actions, Hanna has a big heart, and plenty of love for all her customers – and her daughter, Emily!  As a middle-aged woman, she’s comfortably settled into the slower-paced lifestyle of the Lost Valley, and couldn’t think of living anywhere else. Stop by, and Hanna will be sure to feed you plenty of delicious food, cooked and served by fellow family members."My hubby and I have a restaurant in town! Emily is the hostess!"Hanna runs the local eatery, while her daughter Emily serves as the hostess of the restaurant. Hanna is very proud that her daughter Emily is carrying on the family tradition by working in the restaurant. Read more about Emily, our first bachelorette reveal, at

  • Jimmy, rival Sally, es un joven de 12 años al que le encanta jugar todo el rato. Ya sabe lo que quiere hacer en la vida, y no dejará que nadie se interponga en su camino. No le gusta su hermano Tony, a quien considera un cobarde. Jimmy siempre está en busca de alimentos y bebidas que le ayuden a crecer y a ser más fuerte. Admira a su padre, y quiere llegar a ser como él, por eso se convirtió en aprendiz de herrero para crear un montón de herramientas. Es difícil hablar de sus sentimientos, ya que se suele mostrar muy terco. A pesar de que él es el rival de Sally, ésta no le presta mucha atención.

Jimmy is the next villager revealed in Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley! A mischievous 12-year-old, he’s already got his whole life plan figured out, and won’t let anyone deter him from what he wants to do!  He’s one of Brutus’ sons, and the younger brother of Tony."My brother is such a wimp! He needs to stand up for himself more!"Jimmy doesn’t have a lot of respect for his older brother Tony, who he views as unreliable and a wimp. Unlike his brother, Jimmy is always on the lookout for food and other items that will make him big and strong, like his father. However, he’s usually not the biggest fan of the things he needs to eat and drink that will make him big and strong, so eating things like vegetables is a huge challenge for him! Can you help him overcome his vegetable-phobia?"I’m gonna be a great blacksmith like my dad when I grow up!"Jimmy worships his father, and wants to follow in his large footsteps. He’s already started training to become a master blacksmith, and will do anything to become as good as his father at shaping metal and creating tools.  Much like his father, he’s not good at discussing feelings and is terrible at arguing, leading to him become frustrated and obstinate. Jimmy also has a bit of a one-sided “rivalry” with Sally, who he sees as competition, but Sally doesn’t really pay him any mind…

  • Gilbert es una de las celebridades de Lost Valley, y siempre habla usando rimas. Su conocimiento es muy extenso, y muestra una gran humildad. Además él será el encargado de enseñarte a pescar al principio del juego.

Gilbert is the second BACHELOR we’re revealing for Harvest Moon: The Lost Valley.  A travelling bard, Gilbert has a unique speech pattern among the residents this time – this eligible gentleman speaks in rhyme! “I am called Gilbert, my friend. Farewell until we meet again.”Gilbert’s knowledge is deep and wide; his knowledge of history and lore will be an asset by your side.  Humble and gentle to a fault, yet Gilbert’s heart is locked inside the tightest of vaults.  He’ll teach you the art of fishing when he arrives; it’s a necessary skill for long winters you must survive! His knowledge of the Harvest Goddess is important to your task, and his wit is as sharp as your favorite axe.“I’ve been seeking somewhere to plant seeds, the perfect spot for their growing needs.”Gilbert is a wanderer at heart, traveling from place to place. However, it seems there is a specific reason he has come to visit the Lost Valley. Do you have what it takes to get Gilbert to open up to you about why he really came here, and also convince him to plant his roots firmly in the Lost Valley?

Por último, os dejamos con algunas imágenes que ha compartido la desarrolladora, ¿qué os parecen todos estos detalles?
