Re:Desesperada con el juego skylanders trap team


@mariofan886 wrote:

como han dicho arriba, la proxima ver mira analisis en internet de varios sitios
si quieres un sustituco comprale una wiiu o 3ds y el smash bros

En qué universo se recomienda Smash a un crío de 7 años? :-__-:
Lo que hay que leer.

Respecto al hilo, aquí hablan sobre ello, donde uno comparte lo que le dijeron en soporte:

I’m sorry to hear you’re having this problem.

If you are playing on a Wii, Activision support suggests a workaround that consist of starting chapter 8 and going directly into the battle with Hood Sickle and take him out as fast as possible, without going into any of the Traptanium Gates or doing any subquests or alternative missions.

After defeating him then you should go directly to the Dreamcatcher battle.

The game shouldn’t freeze anymore after you have progressed past chapter 8.

If that doesn’t work, contact support as they may have to replace your disc.

Hope this helps

Vaya una solución por cierto ()))